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Set a Cooktimer on your laptop

As someone who spends most of the day in front of his laptop I frequently forget things like “Wake me in an hour please”, or “Can you tell me to come out of the bath in 20 minutes?”. Not that I forget, just if I’m enjoying my work time flies by. Cooktimer is a small application I found that comes to my rescue in these cases!

You can of course use it so you don’t forget your dinner in the over, or remember to switch the stove off, but for me there are many other uses, including the ones I mentioned. You can also use it to remember to take a rest every now and again, or if you hate distractions, to remember to check your email every 30 minutes.

The great thing about this app is that it is very lightweight, no installation required and will reside in memory while the timer is active. Many of you already have billions of applications running, and you don’t need to log timings, add multiple timers and so on, so this could be perfect, just set and forget. If any of you have any other timer suggestions, let us know!

Turn Your Mobile Phone Into A PC Remote Control

MobileWitch Remote Control turns your mobile phone into a remote control that can control various applications on your PC. The software does have a few limitations and requirements though. Both the PC and mobile phone have to support Bluetooth which is being used to send and receive the data. The user installs a server on the PC and a client on the mobile phone. Both applications have been programmed in Java. The author is explicitly mentioning Nokie mobile phones but chance is good that it works on other mobile phone brands as well as long as they meet the requirements. Continue reading